The implementation of activities to fight against Covid-19 in the CEMAC zone is intensifying, this is what emerges from the launching ceremony of the Campaign on Tuesday, September 14, 2021 in Yaoundé, under the initiative of OCEAC , with the support of the partner AG PARTNERS, communication firm, selected by OCEAC for the implementation of this activity, in accordance with the recommendations of the ministers in charge of health of the CEMAC countries, during the adoption of the sub-regional plan for prevention and response to Covid 19, in March 2020 in Douala.
Dr. Georges NKO’AYISSI, Deputy Director of the Disease Control Department, Personal Representative of the Minister of Public Health, kicked off this activity. At his side, Professor Josiane Etang, Representative of the Executive Secretary of OCEAC, Mr TIKI, on behalf of the Representation of the CEMAC Commission and Dr NOUDI, Focal point / OCEAC. The partner was represented at the highest level by its Managing Director, Mr. Abdoulaye.
Three highlights punctuated this ceremony, it was the word of the CEMAC Representation, the speech of the Executive Secretary, delivered in good and due form by Professor Josiane Etang, Researcher and Head of the Mobilization Unit resources.
« Covid 19 is still circulating and we are getting vaccinated, while respecting the barrier rules », this is the slogan around which all the interventions are articulated, on September 14 in one of the rooms of the hotel la Falaise de Yaoundé, with a report of the same message on communication media placed in the cities of Yaoundé and Douala.
Prenant la parole, le Pr a laisser entendre que la mise en œuvre de ces activités rentre dans le cadre du déroulement des prévisions du plan sous régional de préparation , de prévention et de riposte contre la Covid 19, adopté en mars 2020 par les Ministres en charge de la santé des pays de la CEMAC. Pour terminer, le Pr a fait comprendre à son auditoire que l’objectif visé par cette campagne dans les six capitales de la sous-région et la ville de douala, est d’encourager les populations à se faire vacciner, tout en respectant les mesures barrières édictées par nos gouvernements, surtout en cette période de circulation de plusieurs variants. Pour chuter, elle a exhorté les spécialistes des médiats à faire le relai du message de leur institution communautaire de santé
Thus giving the top to the activity, Dr. Georges Nko’ AYISSI In his launching speech, let it be known that Cameroon has 45% of the population of the sub-region and that the response against this pandemic remains a permanent fight since the first alert. Also, the country is strongly impacted by the disease in human, economic and cultural terms. The cities of Yaoundé and Douala and remain the two major centers of this pandemic. From where it is necessary to communicate for a change of behavior and to bring the populations towards vaccination, while respecting the barrier measures. It was at 12 that he officially launched the campaign which will take place over a month and a half.
A press conference closed the ceremony.